
Do I need an agent to get work as a TV Presenter?

Do I need an agent to get work as a TV Presenter?

Do I need an agent to get work as a TV Presenter?

This is a question we get asked about a lot on our TV Presenting Courses.

No you don’t need an agent to get work as a TV Presenter, not when you’re starting out. There are so many opportunities out there that you can get without an agent.

Good agents are worth their weight in gold. They are the ones who have reliable contacts with the decision-makers in the industry. They know the good leads that may be upcoming as they have a track record of working with various production and TV companies. They’ll work tirelessly to seek out the roles that will help build and reinforce your brand.

There are however another variety of agents in the industry that may not have this access nor the will to work hard for the talents they represent. Be sure to ask questions of any agent who wishes to sign you and be comfortable that you can build a good working relationship.

It is industry practice that you are required to pay your agent commission even if you are talent scouted or have secured a job by your own efforts. This is because the agent will not be able to propose you when a suitable role comes along if you are already committed to another project. Thus, the agent’s potential loss of revenue must be reimbursed when you take on another job independently. Bearing in mind most agents will take at least 20% commission on work so consider carefully before signing your contract.

My thoughts are, that if you’re starting out you will be your own best agent, at least for a year or two or until you’re established. When you become so busy tv presenting that you no longer have time to find your own work, that is the time to get an agent. You’re also more likely to attract high quality agents who will be able to open doors that you are more prepared to enter. Having said that, if an opportunity arises with a fabulous agent, at any time, take it, even if you are still getting your own work. The name of a top agent on your CV or profile will give you extra credibility.

This is one of the things we cover in our step by step Career Strategy on day 3 of the 5 Day TV Presenting Masterclass, is how to get work when you’re starting out, who you need to be writing to and how to do it. We’ll also show you how to find a good agent when you’re ready. There are so many TV Presenter agents out there and while one agent might be good for one TV Presenter they might not be the best for you.

If you have any questions or are interested in any of our TV Presenter courses, you can email us or call for a friendly chat.