
I’m I too old to get into TV Presenting?

I'm I too old to get into TV Presenting?

I’m I too old to get into TV Presenting?

We get asked this a lot and especially from students who are looking to change careers.

Lots of people break into the TV industry from different backgrounds, they might have decided on a completely different career change, they might be an expert in a particular field like finance, medicine or property some are journalists looking to move to TV. Many people also come to us as they have to create video content for their business.

We train many TV Presenters who are changing career, there are so many opportunities from Sky channels, Online platforms, Corporate work, Radio and even YouTube.

YouTube is a great example, look at great grandmother Clara Cannucciari a 98-year-old cook who shares recipes and tells stories about her childhood. She has over 360,000 subscribers. Tim Rowett is a 71-year-old presents ‘Grand Illusions’ and has over 1,047, 000 subscribers demonstrates how old toys works.

Moving over to TV, David Attenborough, he did his first broadcast at 26 years old but we still watch him for his passion and knowledge on nature. ABC daytime talk show host Joy Behar was 55 before she presented ‘The View’ and Judge Judith Sheindlin (better known as Judge Judy) was 54 years old when her TV Show first aired. Today, she is one of the highest paid TV personalities, earning $47 million per annum.

As long as you know how to connect with your audience, have the dedication and passion for the industry and you know how to market and brand yourself there is no reason why you can’t have a successful TV Presenting career.

We believe it’s never too late to make a change in your life!

If you want to know more about our TV Presenter courses, email info@tvtraining.org.uk or call 0800 046 3477.